Requests for donation of artwork
Everybody likes a bargain, particularly when one can get a piece of original art at an auction, along with the magnanimous feeling that one’s purchase helps a local nonprofit. The fact is, most folks are unaware of the extensive time and effort needed to create high quality art or the cost of materials to produce even even the smallest picture, mug, card, or piece of jewelry. It may come as no surprise to learn that local artists are among the least compensated individuals in a community, yet they are the folks that nonprofits routinely look to for contributions when holding an auction or planning other fundraising events. We acknowledge and appreciate that your organization – like so many others – is doing excellent work in our community. However, you are probably unaware of the number of requests that we receive for donations of artwork over the course of a year. While individual artists and artisans at Hemlock Studio Gallery routinely support organizations like yours, out of respect for their time, talent, and creativity, our gallery policy is to not repeatedly ask them to donate their artwork. To do so places unreasonable pressure on our artists and carries the unintended consequence of devaluing their work. Thank you for understanding. Don Gnecco, Gallery Manager